Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Criteria & Ajacencies Of Spaces

1 comment:

  1. You work so seriously, Ori, that if the online reviewer misses only a day to check what you have upploaded, he/she realises that some new uploaded by you panels are waiting in a queue.

    I like the column "Special considerations". It clarifies your design intentions.

    I am not sure that the #12 "Lecture chamber" should be in the group of the terrace. The rooms, gathering many people, should be placed, if it is possible, on the first floor because of the easy evacuation. You could think that in case of a fire the people could escape on the roof terrace. But what in case of earthquake ?

    I don't have time this morning to calculate the areas. Did you read my previous comment where I spoke about the technical rooms ? Let me share my impression from the building of our local municipality (new builging). It seems that the client (the municipality) decided to economize these spaces. The result is obvious: on the roof of the municipality were added so many facilities that it began to look as a medieval castel.

