Sunday, October 5, 2014

Furniture & Room Layouts

These are all samples and typical layouts of spaces that will be included in my center.


  1. These are some great diagrams. You have such a diverse set of spaces and very large spaces.

  2. These are good diagrams but don't get lost too much into the details. The most important things is to understand how the spaces work in overall terms and the size of them; i.e. how many toilets do you need for a building of your size? How many occupants you will have? What's going to be ratio of toilet/occupant etc. What size of lecture theater you might need? What size of library?

    1. Ori, the above illustrations are very-very useful. Also, of course, David is right. Follow his advices. That, what I miss from the beginning of your work (and commented in the beginning), is the program with size at least of the groups of spaces.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Ori
    you may need to show more images with dimensions on it. so you can understand how this spaces works with all the fixtures.
    also, I do know that you designing a Relaxation Center, so you many need to search some other spaces as Spa, Sauna, act...B/c so far you only have one meditation space
